Christopher Dorn
Owner / Operator
I have a beautiful wife, 4 wonderful children, and 5 grandchildren and have the hair color to prove it. When I’m not sitting at a desk working, I can be found at a soccer game, choir concert, or any other event my children or grandchildren are involved with. Free time is rare.
I have been working in the IT industry since 2002. With experience in wireless internet, networking, infrastructure design/implementation, web development and hosting, email, security, and patch management on networks ranging from 1 computer to 75 computers.
Lois Harris
Bookkeeper / Accounting
My first experience as a bookkeeper began in Wheeler, Texas, when I was a junior in High School. Both my husband and I graduated from Draughon’s Business College in Oklahoma City and later moved to Pampa, having gone to work for Cabot Corporation. I was in their Accounting Department on the 5th floor of the Hughes Building.
Later, I stayed at home to take care of our two children while also helping my husband in our business. After the children were grown, I later worked and retired from The Department of Public Safety, Driver’s License Division.
Some years after this, Chris had been my supervisor when we worked for Centramedia/ERF Wireless. I have great respect for him, both as a family man and business man. With the experience and knowledge he has, along with his honesty and integrity, I did not think twice about becoming a part of ITeck Managed Services when he started the business. Chris takes care of the technology issues and I take care of the books.